Are You Up for a ?


A while back, I joined the Winery at Wolf Creek/Troutman Vineyards folks for a meeting with the Maize Valley Winery staff to discuss joint marketing opportunities. Since three wineries were to be involved, the idea of a “threesome” emerged pretty quickly. After the giggling and jokes subsided, the concept was refined, if I can say that, to the slogan, “Are you up for a threesome?” And since the owner of Maize is an avid texter, it was decided that the slogan should be written out in chat lingo, which, according to would be:

R U ^ 4 a 3sum?

Okay, that was fine, that was something I could work with. But then things went a step further, and what we ended up with is something I’m still not entirely sure about. To make the slogan more of a puzzle, the “sum” part was to be a sigma, referring of course to the AutoSum button in Microsoft Excel. Everyone would get that, right?


I don’t believe everyone will get that. But at least the people I’ve shown the design to seem to get the message in context, even if they aren’t aware of AutoSum (I wasn’t, even though I’d used it before to set up some spreadsheets). So you’ll get that message when you go to the splash screen of the microsite I set up, and you’ll have a choice of whether or not you are, indeed, up for a threesome.


